Hot off the press

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    Can we objectively quantify emotion?

    Towards objective, temporally resolved neurobehavioral predictors of emotional state

    Kabotyanski, Yi, Hingorani, Robinson, Cowley, et al., 2024

  • Stock image of a stack of papers

    How has COVID-19 impacted our local community?

    A saliva-based serological and behavioral analysis of SARS-CoV-2 antibody prevalence in Howard County, Maryland

    Brown, Koshute, & Cowley et al., 2023

  • Stock photo of a stack of papers

    Why do some COVID-19 patients fare worse than others?

    Using machine learning on clinical data to identify unexpected patterns in groups of COVID-19 patients

    et al., 2023

Oldies but Goodies

  • How should we compare humans & machine learning algorithms?

    A framework for rigorous evaluation of human performance in human and machine learning comparison studies

    Cowley et al., 2022

  • Can humans search images as well as algorithms can?

    Benchmarking human performance for visual search of aerial images

    Rhodes & Cowley et al., 2021

  • Can we use behavioral patterns to catch insider threats?

    Using alternate reality games to find a needle in a haystack: An approach for testing insider threat detection methods

    Wasko et al., 2021

  • How can we make processing big neuroscience data easier?

    Toward a scalable framework for reproducible processing of volumetric, nanoscale neuroimaging datasets

    Johnson et al., 2020

  • Can we make visualizing 3D neuroscience data easy as pie?

    A substrate for modular, extensible data-visualization

    Matelsky et al., 2020

  • Why does a young girl mix up other people's left and right?

    Cognitive processes in spatial mapping: Evidence from a developmental spatial deficit

    Hatfield et al., 2017